Quarterly Meeting - December 2024

We had a very informative and interactive quarterly meeting of Horsham Green Spaces (HGS) on Tuesday 10th December (and even managed to squeeze in a mince pie).

Presentations from the meeting are here.

Particular points of note:

  1. We presented the results of the HGS Balancing Nature and Recreation Survey that went out during the Summer / Autumn of 2024, and talked through the analysis of the data highlighting some of the key findings, and sample comments. The full presentation can be seen in the accompanying slide pack (see link above). Please note: the survey remains open for the time being. Link to survey.

  2. We updated the meeting on proposed changes to the Riverside Walk, which have recently been put forward by Horsham Blueprint Business Neighbourhood Forum. Slides from this presentation are in the accompanying slide pack.
    Following a recent site visit, HGS has submitted a response to HDC Cabinet Members, Ruth Fletcher, David Skipper and Colette Blackburn stating whilst we see some clear benefits in access to the south Rookwood area being improved, we have significant concerns about the proposals to re-route the walk through both Warnham Nature Reserve and the Walnut Tree Plantation.

  3. Pete Crawford updated the meeting on the Horsham Town Wildways Cut and Collect programme and their findings during the year.

  4. Steve Hill, WSCC 'Greenprint' updated the meeting on the progress so far on the Greenprint programme. The full presentation can be seen in the accompanying slide pack here.

  5. We held a good interactive discussion on Youth Engagement to try and come up with some ways of encouraging a younger demographic to become involved in some green community projects.

Our next meeting is on Tuesday 11th March, 7pm-9pm, Park Barn, North Street, Horsham. Further details will be circulated in due course, but please do keep the date free as it would be great to see you.

Can you spare an hour on 19 February to share your bird spotting expertise in Horsham Park?

HDC Parks team are running a half term bird event in Horsham Park Barn on Wednesday 19 February, and are seeking volunteers to help children spot birds in Horsham Park.

There will be four x one hour sessions of 30 children (9.30am -10.30am / 10.45am-11.45am/ 12.15pm-1.15pm/ 1.30pm-2.30pm), doing various bird related activities in Park Barn. After each session they will then be encouraged to head into the park with their parents/carers with a spotter sheet. It would good to have a couple of volunteers willing to share their bird spotting knowledge as the Wardens don’t have capacity to help.

Younger children will have the opportunity of following a bird trail which the Friends of Horsham Park will run – simply a series of 12 laminated photos hanging in the Human Nature Garden or Park House Sensory Garden which children can match against a spotter sheet – for this less bird expertise is needed!

Would anyone like to help? If so, please contact Sally Sanderson at chair@friendsofhorshampark.co.uk.


Quarterly HGS Meeting