January 2025 News Update
Happy New Year!
The end of summer has mow been completed and neighbours have been pleased to take the clean, uncontaminated arisings for their compost heaps. The hazels within the site have been coppiced or pruned and the branches produced have been put to use in the gardens of local residents and within Shandy’s Brook.
The public footpath has been cleared of fallen leaves (This has to be repeated several times to keep the path clean and safe for users.) and we were grateful for the help of a local resident and her daughter in bagging up. We are also grateful to a neighbour of the site for delicious cake and continuing appreciation of what we are doing at the Brook.
Locals and path users continue to take an interest in the project and continually voice their appreciation, and they are very much on board with our aims. We also take every opportunity to promote Wildways and Wilder Horsham District.
At last we have some proper winter weather. Hopefully this will turn into a proper spring and the restoration of normal seasons after last year’s twelve months of autumn. A return to the normal seasonal changes in the weather should benefit all the flora and fauna on the site and with luck we will have a spectacular display for all to enjoy in the coming year.